“We are alleviating human suffering in Malawi by creating and implementing participatory and sustainable solutions.”

We leverage results from all our programing to generate evidence to share our experience with other like-minded organizations to ensure we are serving youth in the most coordinated and impactful way possible. We deliver community based health programs targeting women, children and young adults through community agents, door to door service delivery including ART, PMTCT, HIV Testing, Maternal and Child Health and family planning.

Strategic Area One

Youth Development-Coaching, technical and vocational training, business skills and leadership skills and internships.

Strategic Area Two

Health and nutrition-HIV and AIDS and SRHR, ECD feeding programs for children and adolescents, family planning and condom education.

Strategic Area Three

Governance and civic participation– training, building strong networks, engagement with duty bearers.

Strategic Area Four

Agriculture and Livelihoods, extension training, VSL, IGAs, climate smart agriculture, linkages to markets.

Strategic Area Five

Disaster, emergency and environmental management –training, relief response, education and early warning system, WASH, protection and feedback mechanisms for women and girls.

Strategic Area Six

Education-School bursaries, ending early marriages, mentorship to girls, school role modeling, coaching sessions, life skills education and training.

Our Family Health Model

“Indexed Reach”


Vision and Desired Outcome


5000 bicycle and motorcycle taxi rides for women and children to health facilities per month.

Last Mile Clinics

2.5 Million clients and 150 health facility partnerships.

Livelihoods & Graduation

Income increase from $4-$6 for 2 Million women and their household members to finance travel to health facilities.

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