Foundation for Community and Capacity Development (FOCCAD) has its beginning as a youth group that started in 2003. In 2011 FOCCAD was registered with the Office of the Registrar General under the Limited Companies Act, limited by grantee. Moreover, FOCCAD was registered as a national non-governmental organization (NGO) in 2014 under the Trustees Incorporation Act. During the same year, FOCCAD also got registered with the voluntary umbrella border of all NGOs in Malawi, the Council for Non-Governmental Organizations in Malawi (CONGOMA), the government oversight body for NGOs the Non-Governmental Organizations Board (NGO Board), and the Malawi Youth Council.

Our Vision and Mission

We envision Malawi with Healthy communities across that enjoy productive life. We support alleviation of human suffering from disease, hunger, poverty and social injustice especially among women and children by creating and implementing participatory and sustainable solutions.

Theory of Change

FOCCAD exists to improve the health and livelihoods of vulnerable women, children, and young adults in hard-to-reach communities. We do this by bridging the transport and logistics gap between health facilities and communities in last-mile hard-to-reach areas. We provide emergency transport and logistical support from communities to health facilities, so that women, children, and young adults can access quality, unmet healthcare services. We also provide last-mile mobile outreach clinics to the most distant communities.

Meet Our Team

Dan Nthara

Executive Director

Linda Mwale

Monitoring and Evaluation Manager

Agness Manda

Programs and Operations Manager


Finance And Admin Manager

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