I am Geofrey Saidi, a 27-year-old from Sasani. My journey has been a difficult one, marked by poverty and limited opportunities. Growing up in a family of eight siblings, we often went without basic necessities, such as sugar, for months. We slept on mats on the ground and found joy in our simple meals of nsima and dry fish. Despite these challenges, I had a dream of becoming a teacher, sparked by my talents in Chichewa and maths. In 2014, my family’s financial struggles forced me to abandon my dream.

I had to drop out of school in Standard 8, and for many years, I remained in the village, unable to pursue further education or training. I felt trapped by my circumstances, with no hope of escaping the cycle of poverty that had defined my life. In 2023, everything changed. I was introduced to a vocational training program offered by FOCCAD, supported by Tools for Self-Resilience.

This program aimed to provide skills and opportunities to young people like me in our community. I embraced this opportunity with all my heart, gaining valuable knowledge and skills that empowered me to change my life. As a beneficiary of project, I received training that opened up new possibilities for me. I discovered a passion for creating and crafting, which brought me immense joy. The skills I acquired allowed me to start making products that not only showcased my abilities but also provided a means of livelihood.

The skills and knowledge I gained have given me confidence and a sense of purpose. This change matters deeply to me as it signifies a new chapter of self-reliance and hope. I attribute my success to the collaborative effort of FOCCAD and Tools for Self-Resilience. The partnership and the resources made available to me were crucial in my journey towards self-reliance. I have gone from a village boy with limited prospects to a skilled, confident young tailor in  my community.