Meet Lina, a 13-year-old girl whose life has been transformed by FOCCAD’s Children’s Corner. Before joining the program, Lina struggled with her studies and often went to bed hungry. Her family, grappling with financial difficulties, couldn’t provide the support she needed to thrive.

Lina’s journey changed dramatically when she started attending the Children’s Corner. She quickly fell in love with the reading sessions, and with the help of patient and caring volunteers, she learned to read fluently within months. Her newfound literacy skills ignited a passion for learning, and she began excelling in all her subjects.

The nutritious meals provided by the program had a visible impact on Lina’s health and energy levels. She became more active and engaged, both in the classroom and on the playground. The psychosocial support offered at the Children’s Corner helped Lina build confidence and develop coping strategies for the challenges she faced at home.

Lina’s story is not unique. Every weekend, hundreds of children like her experience the transformative power of FOCCAD’s Children’s Corner. They leave the program not only with improved academic skills and better health but also with a sense of hope and possibility for their future.