In the remote Katimbira area of Nkhotakota, accessing health services has long been a challenge for residents. The nearest health center is 8 kilometers away, a distance that many, especially the elderly and Pregnant women ,struggle to cover. Recognizing this critical gap, FOCCAD initiated an outreach clinic to bring essential health services closer to the people, bridging the distance barrier and providing much-needed medical care.

One of the residents deeply affected by this initiative is Beatrice, a 72-year-old woman from a surrounding village. Beatrice, like many others in her community, struggled to access healthcare due to the prohibitive distance to the nearest clinic. The journey was not only lengthy but also fraught with challenges, especially for someone of her age. “It was very difficult for me to travel to the health center,” Beatrice explains. “I often had to make the journey on foot, which took a lot of time and left me exhausted.”

The situation was further complicated by the lack of reliable transportation. Beatrice often had to rely on the goodwill of neighbors for a ride or, when no help was available, endure the arduous walk. Additionally, upon reaching the health center, she frequently encountered another significant obstacle: the unavailability of essential medications. “There were times when I would finally get to the clinic only to be told that the medication I needed was not available,” Beatrice recalls. “It was very discouraging and made me feel hopeless.”

                   Gogo Beatrice receiving medications.

Frustrated and worried about her health, Beatrice felt helpless until she heard about the FOCCAD outreach clinic coming to her area.

With the outreach clinic, FOCCAD brought healthcare directly to Beatrice’s village. On the day of the clinic, Beatrice was able to walk the short distance to the outreach site, where she received the medical attention and treatment  she desperately needed.