In the aftermath of the devastating floods that struck Nkhotakota district in February this year, many affected residents continue to face challenges as they recover following the decommissioning of camps that provided them with temporary shelter.

Alefa Davite, one of the affected individuals, voiced the ongoing need for support today in the area of Traditional Authority Katimbira. She expressed her gratitude after receiving assorted items donated by the Foundation for Community and Capacity Developments (FOCCAD). Davite highlighted that the food items provided by FOCCAD would enable her to have three meals a day, significantly easing her struggles.

Linda Mwale, Monitoring and Evaluation manager at FOCCAD, stated that the 18 million kwacha donation was made possible through the support of the Elma Foundation and Hope for a Child. Mwale noted that the assistance was provided in response to the severe impact of the floods, which left many families in dire need.

In addition to supporting families, FOCCAD extended its aid to the educational sector. The organization provided learning materials, including exercise books, instruments, and pens, to 300 learners from Senjere and Katimbira Primary Schools.

These students were also affected by the floods, and the provision of these materials aims to help them continue their education without interruption.